Prepaid IC card gas meter

Prepaid IC card gas meter

Product description

The company's NBG series gas meter is a comprehensive application scheme based on mobile NB IOT network, with China Mobile m5310 module as the communication module. It uses the special number of IOT to realize smart meter reading, smart charging and smart control.
The Internet of things module can effectively solve the technical problems of meter reading and charging, gas companies can read and test meters without entering the home.
The module can be designed according to the user's requirements.

Product feature


■ Prepayment and amount measurement.
■ Support mobile APP, Alipay, WeChat and other various ways of purchasing gas.
■ Settlement of step gas price.
■ Price adjustment in background and front.
■ Real-time detection of meter running status.
■ Ultra low power consumption + power management mechanism, ultra long standby, LR6 AA * 4 hold.
■ 18-24months,ER18505 10 years online.
■ All kinds of big data acquisition, storage and transmission.
■ Terminal online upgrade.


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